A01: Transportable quantum gravimeter
A02: Gravity sensing with very long baseline atom interferometry
A03: Transportable optical clocks for relativistic geodesy
A04: Frequency transfer through long-distance optical fibre links
A05: Optical noise sources of low Earth orbiter links
A06: Observation of spurious forces
A07: Multichannel interferometry optics for gradiometry

Research Area A designs and develops new instruments and sensors. E.G. the experimental laser interferometer (LRI) designed by members of geo-Q, the development of atomic gravity sensors, both in compact transportable and in large-scale stationary configurations or building and operating optical clocks and fibre connections to create clock networks.
Research projects
Leader of Research Area A
Prof. Gerhard Heinzel
Board Member, Principal Investigator, Leader of Research Area A
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover
Prof. Gerhard Heinzel
Board Member, Principal Investigator, Leader of Research Area A
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover