To attract girls in science, we make use of a broad and very successful programme offered by the Equal Opportunities Office of our university.
Female BSc and MSc students are encouraged to participate in geo-Q’s activities on early research experience, including mentoring and student research assistantships, to attract and prepare female students for PhD programmes. The QUEST Research Training in the portfolio of the QUEST Leibniz Research School offers an opportunity for early participation in research in the QUEST research teams and laboratories.
The Equal Opportunities Committee monitors gender issues in the recruiting process of female PhD students. Once selected, they will find a high-quality programme on mentoring, coaching, and professional development. geo-Q will provide access to the programme portfolio of Leibniz Universität Hannover and of its Equal Opportunities Committee and Graduate Academy.
The Equal Opportunities Committee actively supports the search for excellent female PostDocs. Hiring of dual career couples will be supported by the Dual Career Netzwerk, an initiative of the Initiative Wissenschaft Hannover. Our goal is to enable women to have successful careers in academia who will be important role models for the next generation of students and scientists.