The Mock Data Challenge project is an initiative in the framework of the geo-Q project at Leibniz Universität Hannover. The aim of these challenges is to engage different research centers and also interested individuals around the world to test their methods for gravity field recovery (GFR) from simulated data which will lead to develop data analysis tools and capabilities for GRACE Follow-On data.
GRACE Follow-On satellites will be launched in 2017/2018, with additional Laser Ranging Instrument (LRI) sensor. It is an exciting era in satellite geodesy, and the race is on to reach better spatial and temporal resolution for the Earth's gravity field. There are number of different ways to recover the Earth's gravity field from satellite data.
The challenges are coordinated from simple gravity field recovery in 2016 to more advanced forms when LRI noise model will be added in 2016/2017 challenge.
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover
Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation
Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation
30167 Hannover